We teach the journey from rocks to gems to jewelry.
Class Schedule
Winter Classes Begin January 4, 2025
TLS Education Center, 24 Upland Road, Brookhaven, PA 19015
Click HERE for directions and a map.
TLS offers classes to adults interested in pursuing lapidary and jewelry arts. No previous experience is needed unless a prerequisite is noted.
Brief descriptions for many of our courses may be found on our Course Descriptions page.
Those registering must be at least 18 years of age. Students between the ages of 12 and 18 can take classes by becoming junior members of TLS. To inquire about that possibility, send us a message on our Contact Form.
Adult Membership requires completion of Beginning Cabochon or Faceting classes, participation in two TLS monthly meetings and willingness to participate as a volunteer in TLS activities. Non-members have priority in beginning cabochon classes.
To register online, browse through the offerings below and make a note of the course IDs of the ones for which you wish to register. Then click the REGISTER button which will take you to our registration system. Members must enter their email address from the current TLS membership directory. Members will then see member prices and all events open to members. Non-members will see non-member prices and all events open to non-members.
To register by US Mail, click HERE for a registration form. Full tuition must accompany the registration form in order to reserve a spot in the class.
Wait Lists: If you wish to be placed on a wait list for a class that is currently full, please send your request by email to our Registrar. Include your name, address, email address, and phone number in the message.
Please make note of our class refund policy that appears in full at the bottom of this page.
IMPORTANT: Before leaving this page, please make note of the ‘Supply Lists‘ for any course for which you intend to register.
Weekday Classes
The Courses for Monday
W25AC1-6 Advanced Cabochons: (10 weeks beginning January 6) 7:30-9:30PM.
Members only. Limit 7.
Instructor: Stacey Segal.
Tuition: $100.
Supplies List
The Courses for Tuesday
W25FT1-7 Faceting: (10 weeks beginning January 7) 7:00-9:30PM. Limit 7.
Open to new and experienced students. New students will learn to facet cutting glass in one of the TLS Beginner patterns. Experienced students will work on special topic tbd with instructors.
Instructors: Steve Hansen and Karl Kobie.
Tuition: Non-Members $145 / Members $105.
Supplies List
The Courses for Wednesday
W25IS1-8 Intermediate Silver: (8 weeks beginning January 8) 9:30AM-12:30PM. Limit 8.
Prerequisite: Demonstrated ability to fabricate independently (as approved by instructor).
Learn fundamental silversmithing techniques and complete one or more projects, which could be a pendant, ring, or bracelet. Instructor: Barry Messino.
Tuition: Non-Members $190 / Members $100.
Materials fee (payable to instructor) approximately $45, depending on projects chosen.
Supply List
W25BS1-8 Beginning Silver: (8 weeks beginning January 8) 1-4PM. Limit 8.
Learn basic silversmithing techniques and complete one or more projects, which could be a pendant, ring, or bracelet.
Instructor: Barry Messino.
Tuition: Non-Members $190 / Members $100.
Materials fee (payable to instructor) approximately $45, depending on projects chosen.
Supply List
The Courses for Thursday
W25BC1-9 Beginning/Intermediate Cabochons: (6 weeks beginning January 9) 9AM-Noon. Limit 7.
Learn how to cut and polish rounded gemstone shapes. Open to new students and those honing their skills in cutting and polishing cabochons.
Non-members have priority.
Members should send an email to our Registrar to request placement on a wait list and, if possible, will be enrolled one week before the class is to begin in the order requests are received. If the member is successfully enrolled, an invoice will be sent.
Instructors: John Chickadel and Lola Fields.
Tuition: Non-Members $140 / Members $100.
Supply List
W25AC1-9 Advanced Cabochons: (6 weeks beginning January 9) 1-4 PM Limit 7.
Members only.
Instructors: John Chickadel.
Tuition: $100.
Supply List
W25BC1-9E Beginning/Intermediate Cabochons: (10 weeks beginning January 9) 7:30-9:30PM Limit 7.
Learn to cut and polish rounded gemstones called ‘cabochons’. Open to new students and those honing their skills in cutting and polishing stones.
Non-members have priority.
Members should send an email to our Registrar to request placement on a wait list and, if possible, will be enrolled one week before the class is to begin in the order requests are received. If the member is successfully enrolled, an invoice will be sent.
Instructors: Christina Groff and Joanne Morris.
Tuition: Non-Members $140 / Members $100.
Supply List
W25AS1-4 Introduction to Chasing and Repoussé Weekend Workshop: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, January 4 & 5) 10AM-4PM. Limit 4.
This workshop will introduce concepts, tools, and methods of chasing and repousse (C&R). Consider a flat piece of metal: chasing yields a design on its side to be viewed, while repousse pushes out the material from the back to create visual depth in the finished piece. All working of the piece is done using steel punches and a hammer to move the metal to create the finished piece. Students will complete two pieces in the class using 2”x2” metal pieces – one with copper and one with sterling silver. A pitch bowl and set of basic C&R tools will be provided.
Instructor: Ken Dahl.
Tuition: Non-Members $150 / Members $80. Materials fee (payable to the instructor) approximately $20.
Supply List
W25FT1-4 Faceting Weekend Workshop: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, January 4 & 5) 9AM-5PM. Limit 7.
For new and experienced students.
New students will learn to facet cutting glass in one of the TLS Beginner patterns. Experienced students will work on special topics tbd with instructors.
Instructors: Steve Hansen and Alejandro Lopez.
Tuition: Non-Members $145 / Members $105.
Supply List
W25CR1-12 Bead Embroidery: (Half-day workshop, Sunday, January 12) 1PM-5PM. Limit 8.
Skill level – Beginner.
In this class, you will learn to encapsulate a cabochon with seed beads, then explore design possibilities to further enhance your piece! You will learn the two-bead back stitch, the peyote stitch in the round and the brick stitch; many others if we have time. Instructor: Christy Potter.
Tuition: Non-Members $55 / Members $30.
Supply List
W25SM1-25 Sphere Making: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday: January 25 & January 26) 9AM-5PM.
Plus one initial session to be scheduled with the participants.
Members only. Limit 4.
Learn how to make spheres out of lapidary material ‘by hand.’
Instructor: John Chickadel.
Tuition: $160. The cost of a preform will likely range between $40 and $60.
Supply List
W25MC2-8 Sand Casting: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9) 9AM-4PM. Limit 8.
Beginner level.
Welcome to the 6000 year old ancient art of Sand Casting. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn the skills of creating beautiful metal jewelry using sand molds. We will guide you through the process, from preparing molds to pouring molten metal and finishing your unique piece. No prior experience is required – just bring your creativity.
Instructors: Dennis Coren and Don Schwarzkopf.
Tuition: Non-Members $150 / Members $80. Materials fee, payable to the instructor $50.
W25GF2-22 Advanced Glass Fusing: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, February 22 & 23) 9AM- 5PM. Limit 6.
Prerequisite: Beginner Fusing Workshop.
Discover Frit Stretching! Make a beautiful bowl or plate with this exciting technique. Challenge your imagination using a variety of colors to produce a unique glass creation. Also, learn the ins and outs of reactive glass to make a distinctive, showcase piece. Instructors: Lynn Bibolet and Jody Shaw.
Tuition: Non-Members $190 / Members $120.
Supply List
W25MV3-1 Vulcanizing Rubber Molds and Injection Wax: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, March 1 & 2) 9AM-4PM. Limit 8. Beginner/Intermediate level.
If you want to preserve a special piece of jewelry, you can easily make a duplicate. Creating a rubber mold is a great way to make multiple copies. Using simple supplies and following basic instructions, you can be a rubber mold-making expert in no time. Then you can inject hot wax into a mold and remove a perfect wax replica, ready to cast into metal. This class will focus on vulcanizing rubber molds and injecting wax under pressure in the molds to create a disposable wax model for casting.
Instructors: Dennis Coren, and Don Schwarzkopf.
Tuition: Non-Members $200 / Members $130 (includes $50 materials fee for rubber, wax, and supplies).
Supply List
W25IB3-8 Beadmaking–Kick it Up a Notch: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, March 8 & 9) 9AM-5PM. Limit 9, Minimum 7.
Are you stuck in a rut making beginning beads from soft glass? Are you searching for the key to puckered ends, symmetrical shapes, clear encasing, twisties, dots or stringer control? Do you long to know how copper foil and silver foil are used in more advanced beadmaking? Are you curious about off mandrel pendants? If so, this is the class for you. We will work together to troubleshoot typical shaping and construction problems with designs that will add some fun techniques to your “toolbox” of skills. This is a chance to dabble in new areas and return home artistically inspired and more confident in your basic skills. The teacher welcomes your input on areas of concern/interest. Students are invited to bring photos, books or websites that raise questions about particular soft glass styles and techniques.
Special Guest Instructor: Jeri Warhaftig.
Tuition: Non-Members $350 / Members $280.
Supply List
W25IB3-10 Borosilicate Chain Making: (One-day workshop, Monday, March 10) 9AM-5PM. Limit 9, Minimum 6. Prerequisite: Some glass flameworking experience.
Are you curious about how to create boro chain? Are you afraid to move out of your “soft glass comfort zone”? THEN THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU – NO BORO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!! In this class you will use a dual fuel torch, clear glass and very basic tools to make 4mm and 5mm boro chain links. Those with some boro experience might even make an entire chain. Links are great for earrings, to combine with metal chain or just to hang on to and admire!! We won’t have time for every link style, but class will include a demo portion that reviews more advanced skills for future reference. Bring your questions and enthusiasm, chain making isn’t hard (and symmetry takes practice!). Class includes a take home “cheat sheet” and list of resources.
Special Guest Instructor: Jeri Warhaftig.
Tuition: Non-Members $195 / Members $160.
Supply List
W25FT3-9 Practical Faceting Lab: (One-day workshop, Sunday, March 9) 10AM-4PM. Limit 4
Prerequisite: At least one TLS Faceting Session.
Discussion, demonstration and hands-on practice on topics including rough evaluation, rough orientation, preforming, dopping, and transfer. This course is designed to help new faceters improve your independent skills and techniques.
Instructors: Karl Kobie and Steve Hansen.
Tuition: Non-Members $75 / Members $40. Materials fee (payable to the instructor) TBD depending on items used.
Supply List
W25IS3-15 Small Wonder: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, March 15 & 16) 10AM-5PM. Limit 10, Minimum 7. Beginner/Intermediate level. In this two-day workshop, students will learn to work on a smaller scale. Learn how to make a box pendant with a working hinge and latch. It’s no higher than 1”. Students will also make a bale so it can hang from a chain. Guest Instructor:
Marthe Roberts/Shea.
Tuition: Non-Members $275 / Members $205.
Supply List
W25AS3-15 Hydraulic Press Cuff Bracelet: (Saturday, March 15) 10-4PM. Limit 6.
Prerequisite: Introduction to the Hydraulic press or permission from the instructor.
In this workshop, students will use the electric hydraulic press to make anticlastic and synclastic cuff bracelets.
Instructor: Stacey Segal.
Tuition: Non-Members $75 / Members $40. Material fee (payable to the instructor) estimated at $20.
W25FT3-22 Faceting Weekend Workshop: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, March 22 & 23) 9AM-5PM. Limit 7.
For new students and experienced students. New students will learn to facet cutting glass in one of the TLS Beginner patterns. Experienced students will work on special topics tbd with instructors.
Instructors: Steve Hansen and Christina Griffin.
Tuition: Non-Members $145 / Members $105.
Supply List
W25MC3-29 Jewelry Investment and Casting: (Two-day workshop, Saturday & Sunday, March 29 & 30) 9AM-4PM. Limit 8.
Beginner/Intermediate level.
This class will focus on vacuum investment and vacuum casting using the “Lost Wax” technique.
Instructors: Dennis Coren and Don Schwarzkopf.
Tuition: Non-Members $200 / Members $130 (includes $50 materials fee for metal, wax, casting investment, and supplies).
Supply List
The Open Shop Sessions
Open Cabbing: 10AM-4PM. Limit: 7.
Prerequisite: One TLS beginning cabbing class.
Fee: Non-Members $60 / Members $50 per day.
Supply List
W25OC1-11 January 11 Supervisor: Christina Groff
W25OC1-25 January 25 Supervisor: Stacey Segal
W25OC2-1 February 1 Supervisor: Christina Groff
W25OC2-15 February 15 Supervisor: Stacey Segal
W25OC2-22 February 22 Supervisor: Christina Groff
W25OC3-8 March 8 Supervisor: Stacey Segal
Supervisor: Christy Potter
W25OC1-13 January 13
W25OC2-10 February 10
W25OC3-10 March 10
Supervisor: John Chickadel
W25OC2-20 February 20
W25OC2-27 February 27
W25OC3-6 March 6
W25OC3-13 March 13
W25OC3-20 March 20
Supervisor: Joanne Morris
W25OC1-10 January 10
W25OC2-14 February 14
W25OC3-14 March 14
Open Slab Saw: 10AM-4PM. Members Only.
Prerequisite: Must be certified for slab saw use.
May be taken concurrently with open cabbing.Fee: $12 per hour on one slab saw. You may sign up for more than one hour but be conservative – unused time will not be refunded.
W25OS1-11 January 11 Supervisor: Christina Groff
W25OS1-25 January 25 Supervisor: Stacey Segal
W25OS2-1 February 1 Supervisor: Christina Groff
W25OS2-15 February 15 Supervisor: Stacey Segal
W25OS2-22 February 22 Supervisor: Christina Groff
W25OS3-8 March 8 Supervisor: Stacey Segal
Supervisor: Christy Potter
W25OS1-13 January 13
W25OS2-10 February 10
W25OS3-10 March 10
Supervisor: John Chickadel
W25OC2-20 February 20
W25OS2-27 February 27
W25OS3-6 March 6
W25OS3-13 March 13
W25OS3-20 March 20
Supervisor: Joanne Morris
W25OS1-10 January 10
W25OS2-14 February 14
W25OS3-14 March 14
Open Metals/Enameling/Metal Clay: 6:30PM-9:30PM Limit 8.
Prerequisite: One TLS silver class or equivalent (approved by Supervisor).
Supervisors: Sheryl Dahl
Fee: Non-Members $25 / Members $20 per day.
W25OM1-13 January 13
W25OM1-27 January 27
W25OM2-10 February 10
W25OM2-24 February 24
W25OM3-10 March 10
W25OM3-24 March 24
Open Metalsmithing/Soldering: 10AM-4PM. Limit 10
Prerequisite: One TLS silver class or equivalent (as approved by Supervisor)
Supervisor: Stacey Segal
Fee: Non-Members $50 / Members $40 per day.
W25OM1-11 January 11
W25OM2-1 February 1
Open Chasing and Repoussé: 10AM-4PM. Minimum 2; Maximum 4.
Prerequisite: One TLS Chasing and Repousse weekend workshop or equivalent (as approved by Supervisor).
Supervisor: Ken Dahl
Fee: Non-Members $50 / Members $40 per day.
W25OR2-24 February 24
W25OR3-24 March 24
Open Torch (Bead-making/Marble/Flower): 9AM-5PM. Limit 10.
Prerequisite: One TLS glass bead-making class.
Coordinator: Frank Warner or Lisa Laffend.
Fee: Non-Members $60 / Members $50 per day.
Coordinator: Frank Warner
W25OT1-18 January 18
W25OT2-15 February 15
W25OT3-22 March 22
Coordinator: Frank Warner
W25OT1-19 January 19
W25OT2-16 February 16
W25OT3-23 March 23
Coordinator: Lisa Laffend
W25OT1-20 January 20
W25OT2-17 February 17
Coordinator: Lisa Laffend
W25OT1-7 January 7
W25OT1-14 January 14
W25OT1-28 January 28
W25OT2-4 February 4
W25OT2-11 February 11
W25OT2-25 February 25
W25OT3-4 March 4
W25OT3-18 March 18
W25OT3-25 March 25
Some classes and many open shop sessions fill up rapidly and have extensive wait lists. If you must drop out of a class or open shop session, please do so as early as possible so others may be given the opportunity to enroll. Your courtesy in doing so will be appreciated. Also, if you believe you are ill, or becoming ill, we respectfully ask that you decline to attend. If you wish to withdraw from a class, workshop, or open shop session, you must notify the Registrar and instructor by email. When refunds are requested, we retain 10% of tuition as a processing fee. Tuition will be refunded 100% (minus the processing fee) if you withdraw before 7 days prior to the start date of the course, workshop, or open shop session. If you withdraw 7 to 3 days prior to the start date, tuition will be refunded 80% (minus the processing fee). There will be no refunds for withdrawals within 2 days of the start of the class, workshop, or open shop session. In the event of emergencies or other extenuating circumstances, TLS will consider making exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis. If such an event or circumstance occurs, please email the registrar with your inquiry and it will be reviewed as soon as possible.
• • • • •
For more information, or if you have trouble with registration, or if you need to cancel a class for which you have already registered, please contact our Registrar (email).
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24 Upland Road
Brookhaven, PA 19015
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